CNY Central Anchor Megan Coleman Speaks to SAS Kindergarteners

SANY School, the Syracuse Academy of Science Welcomes CNY Central Anchor to Kindergarten Classroom

Thursday, December 7th, 2023: CNY Central Anchor Megan Coleman paid Syracuse Academy of Science Kindergarteners a special visit! Megan told Atoms about how her job as a journalist is to get information and tell people’s stories. She showed students fun videos of her trying different foods and rides at the New York State Fair. Scholars were very excited to welcome Megan into their classroom. We have some future journalists in our school!


Science Academies of New York | SANY will provide support, challenges and opportunities for its students, and it will instill the necessary skills and knowledge in math, science, and technology to empower students, through high intellectual standards, preparing them for college, career, and citizenship.